Baptists 4 Haiti seeks to impact the local community in Leogane, Haiti. Part of our plan is to equip the local Body of Christ by partnering with and sponsoring several Haitian churches. We have made it so that one church in America can adopt one church in Haiti. If your church is interested in adopting a church in Haiti, please send an email to roland@baptists4haiti.com and he will speak to you about how you can help. These are just a few of the pastors we help.

Pastor Bill
Pastor Bill is 33 years old and has been married to Roselove Alexis for four years. He has two boys ages 3 and 2. He has been pastoring for 6 years at his current church. His father was raised by missionaries in Haiti and they named him.
He started coming to this church when he was 20 and held various leadership positions before becoming pastor. The worship service runs 100-120. There are 80 children at his school currently. Before the earthquake there were 150 but so many parents have lost their businesses/jobs and cannot afford to send them. There are 8 classes in the school. The school building lost some walls during earthquake but he has been able to repair some. He lost missionary rooms, the of- fice, kitchen and dining hall during the earthquake. He would like to finish the walls and the office first. The entire building is block with stucco covering. His long term plans include an auditorium for the school and some type of funds for the parents who are no longer able to afford to send their kids to school. The school has 12 staff members. The cost for kinder- garten age 3-6 years old is $11 per year. The cost for children 7-12 years old is $25 per year. Musical instruments are a desire as well. His vision is also to help his church members have businesses, jobs, etc to be able to have a prosperous living.

Pastor Pilage
Pastor Pilage is 57 years old. His first wife died and he has since remarried. He has 14 children from both marriages.
Pastor Pilage started his church after the earthquake. His church building is a 39’x33’ tin structure. His worship service runs 40-60. His plans are to build a 50’x70’ block building with a tin roof. His long term plans include a school and hospital. He says there are 200-300 children in the area who live in the area and would attend the school.

Pastor Eliassaint
Pastor Eliassaint is 36 years old. He is married with one 6 year old daughter.
Before the earthquake they were on rented land and the building fell so they moved to the current location. His church building is 20’x12’. His long term plans in- clude a school because most of the chil- dren in the area do not currently go to school due to the distance they have to travel and financial restraints. He thinks around 60 children would attend the school. His plans are for a brick building with a balcony and metal roof. His worship service averages 150 people.

Pastor Bizile
Pastor Bizile is 52 years old and married to Souve- ner. He has six children, three boys and three girls. He has been pastoring for 18 years. He has been in the Leogane area for one year.
The church building was destroyed during the earthquake and the church moved to its current land and started construction. The building is 68x35 and the walls are going to be approximately 14 feet tall. Currently, three of the four are 8’ tall and one is almost complete. The building will have a tin roof. The land is approximately 150’x150’. The worship service averages 55 people. He is training four young men in his church to be pastors. He would like a school and an orphanage. He thinks that 75- 100 children would attend the school once it is built.

Pastor Cadeus
Pastor Cadeus is 34 years old and married with one child and another on the way. He has been pastoring the church since 2001.
Before the earthquake, he was renting a building for church but it was destroyed. His current building is a 42’x24’ block building with walls and is almost complete. He plans on building a second story and using the current building for his school and the upper building will be the worship center. The new worship center will be a 100’x50’ block building with a metal roof. He does have plans to finish the bottom building and estimates that it will cost $8,400 to complete. He has a school and 50 kids signed up but only 25 are coming. The other 25 do not come because they cannot afford their uni- forms. Uniforms cost $43.75. The school fees are $37.50. He has a vision for an orphanage and a clinic in the future and has more land around him that he can purchase. An even bigger vision would be to eventually have a college here because the area currently does not have one.