Look to the Nations is a missions organization dedicated to promoting the gospel in all of the world. We partner with several churches and organizations in areas of the United States and many countries to spread the Gospel of Jesus and show God's love.
Roland and Mary Norris are our missionaries. They plan mission trips, facilitate groups, and direct our teams on the ground. They have been our missionaries since our inception; January of 2012. Roland and Mary have been in full time ministry since 1999. Roland studied at the Baptist College of Florida and has an M.Div. from Southeastern Theological Seminary.

Scott Zepplin is our Team Coordinator/Office Manager. He coordinates our teams stateside, and handles our finances. He is a former Board Member, and is a member of FBC Pembroke. Scott's email is: office@looktothenations.com
Pastor John Jenkins, Northport, AL.
Pastor Steven Kegley, Tallahassee, FL
Karyn Chester, Waverly, GA
Buffy House, Eubank, KY
Bobby Mitchel, St. Marys, GA.
Misty Cundiff, Somerset, KY
Scott Zepplin, Pembroke, GA

On Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 4:53pm the nation of Haiti was ravaged with an earthquake that measured 7.0. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the town of Leogane. The Georgia Baptist Convention sent a scouting team to see how we could minister to the people of Leogane. They rented a house in the city, named it the Georgia House, and began to bring teams in to minister to those devastated by the disaster.
In partnership with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board (GBMB), Look To The Nations (formerly Baptists 4 Haiti) is continuing the ministry started by GBC Disaster Relief. Baptists 4 Haiti took over the Georgia House and the surrounding ministries in November 2011 and started full time operation in January of 2012.
In the summer of 2019, due to political and civil unrest in Haiti, God allowed us to broaden our reach by beginning to do state missions and lead a trip to Belize. On September 1, 2019, Hurricane Dorian, a category five hurricane, left a destructive path through the Bahamas. Once again we partnered with the GBMB, which had adopted a church on Grand Bahama Island, Shiloh Baptist Church. We are committed to helping this church rebuild, and minister to the Bahamians.
In 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic hit and caused all of our international missions to temporarily cease. This lead us to start bringing churches together in the U.S., which expanded our ministry once again, to help churches with local and state missions. During this time we officially change our name to Look To The Nations.